Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Untuk kaliannn: Jual Tas Ransel,tas laptop,tas pinggang,travelling...

Untuk kaliannn: Jual Tas Ransel,tas laptop,tas pinggang,travelling...: Hello shopaholic..gak terasa ya habis ini tahun ajaran baru. Rasanya gak kece kalo gak pake suatu hal yang baru saat tahun ajaran baru. Ap...

Jual Tas Ransel,tas laptop,tas pinggang,travelling bag,bahkan tas sangkar burung.

Hello shopaholic..gak terasa ya habis ini tahun ajaran baru.
Rasanya gak kece kalo gak pake suatu hal yang baru saat tahun ajaran baru.
Apalagi kalo pake tas yang gak baru.Rasanya bosen dan gak colourfull lagi.
Kalo tas baru pasti semangat juga baru.Percaya deh.
Nahh..aku punya list & pict tas..MURAH LHO,tapi berkualitas baik .mau pesan???minat??tanya2??hub.081703813282 atau bbm(748B35A5).Untuk format acc : tulis aja ket.shopaholic .

Tulis kodenya yaa untuk pemesanan.Untuk masalah pengiriman,silakan hub. nomor/pin yang sudah diberikan diatas.Dijamin lebih kece kalo pake tas merk ecce27.

Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

Drama b.inggris

Hello..What's up???
Hayoo,yang lagi butuh drama b.inggris merapat di blog ini
drama ini terdiri dr 4 orang cewek yang menjalin tali persahabatan.
drama ini dibuat karena susah banget cari drama buat 4 orang di internet.So, i want to help you..
Let's go to read!

One day,there lived five people who had a friendship relation.They were Feren,Mona,Olivia,and Putri.They lived in the basecamp. They had different characteristic They  got many problems which made they had a quarrel.What will they do to solve it?Look the sequel!
Mona : Guys..... I’m bored in here. What must i do to fill my spare time?
Olivia : Ahaa!!! How if we going to bookstore? I think, if we go there we will get new knowledge.
Feren : Oh my God...  I think, this spare time for havefun not learn something. Emm... i think we will be fun if we go to mall to shopping.
Putri : Emm... I’m in line with you fer, but you must pay me to shopping. Because i don’t have enough money today.
Feren :  What? I  must pay you to shopping? I have money just for me.
Mona : huhhh... you are so stingy fer.
                Okay let’s go to bookstore.
Olivia : come on guys we are in hurry...
Feren:yeahh…wait me please.
They went to bookstore. Finally, they arrived in bookstore
Olivia : Oh my God... this is new physics book. I must buy it.
Feren : hihh oliv oliv..
                Guys do you know where is fashion book?  I need it for my style.
Putri:Fashion again,fashion again..Magazine about one direction is better than fashion book. are so right ,put.I agree with you.
Feren:It’s my life.So,up to me .
Olivia:Ssstt..keep silent please .I can’t concentration to read this book.
Putri : Mon, can i borrow your money? I need money so much for buy 1D magazine. I promise, iwill replace your money tomorrow.
Mono : Why don’t you borrow her?She is very rich than me.
Putri: she will not lend  her money to me.Please,lend me your money.I need money now.
Mona:It’s okay.I know,she is very rich but she is also stingy.And I  know this your habit.Well,i will lend you.
Putri:Thank you so much mona….You are so kind.
After bought book and magazine,they went back to their basecamp.They felt so tired and sleepy,but Feren,Olivia,and Putri still wake up.
Mona:Good night guys.Iam so tired and sleepy now.Let’s go to sleep guys..
Feren:Emm..iam not sleepy and iam still chatting with my boyfriend.
Mona:I don’t ask you.I know ,if you always chat with your boyfriend in the night.
Feren:Huh,are you envy with me because of your single status?
Mona:Ups sorry ,i am not envy with you.Hah,i want to sleep.bye.
Suddenly,Putri left Olivia and Feren.
Olivia:Put,where will you go?
Putri:emm..I will go to bedroom ,liv.
Olivia:Emm...15 minutes ago,you say if you were not sleepy.But,now you will go to bedroom.
Putri: i will not sleep,but i just want to clean my face.
In the bedroom,Putri had a headache .
Putri:Oh my God,why is my head???My head is so sick.
Putri drank a medicine from her doctor.Suddenly,Feren came and called Putri.Putri was so confused to hidden his medicine.
Feren:Put..putri,where are you??I want to borrow your earphone.
Putri:Feren!!you make me shock.You don’t say “excuse me”
Feren:I call you but you don’t answer me.I just want to borrow your earphone.
Putri : I can’t lend my earphone. Go away from my bedroom.go away now.
Feren : it’s okay. I can buy it by myself. Huh you are very stingy.
Feren wa so angry and she went to her bedroom. They slept until morning. Finally, they woke up.
Mona : Good morning fereennn..
Feren : Good morning mon... Mon  I’m so resentful with Putri.
Mona : Why? I’m not sure if you are so resentful with Putri. Because, i saw you and Putri talk about 1D  last night.
Feren : Yeah.. she was angry to me last night. And I think i didn’t make mistake to her.
Olivia : Be patient Fer.  Maybe she was so sleepy, so she agry with you.
Suddenly, Putri came to their.
Putri : Hello guys.Good morning. Have a nice day.
Olivia : Good morning my besties.
Feren : Girls I’m so bored in here. I want to chatting with my beloved person.
Putri:Why is she?Her attitude is so different in this morning.
Mona : Huhhh I don’t know..Boyfriend again,boyfriend again.
                Put can you lend me your comic?
Putri : Yes I can. You can take my comic in my bedroom. Emm,,my comic is on the table.
Mona : okay.. Thanks for your kindness my besties.
Putri:You’re welcome mon .
Mona went to Putri’s bedroom. She wanted Putri’s comic.
Mona:Where is it?where is it?
Suddenly,she found Putri’s medicine.
Mona : What is this? This is medicine for cancer. Oh my God this is Putri’s medicine. So, Putri has cancer? Oh yeah,i will try to talk with her.
Mona wanted to talk with Putri.And she called Putri.
Mona : Putri... Putri...
Putri : Yes...iam here.what happen mona?
Mona : I want to talk with you.
Olivia:Can I join to talk with you?
Mona:   No,you can’t join us.This talk is so secret.
Olivia:It’s okay.I will stay here and read biology book.
Mona ask about Putri’s cancer
Mona : Put, do you have cancer?
Putri:Ha???What are you talking about?I don’t have cancer.
Mona:Don’t be lie please.What is this?
Putri:yes,i have cancer.this is madicine for cancer. I wish you keep this secret from olivia and feren. I don’t want they know if i have cancer.
Olivia:Oh my God ,Putri.Why do you never tell me about it?
Putri:Oliv…you hear our conversation.Yes,I never tell you about my cancer because I  don’t want to make you anxious,guys.
Suddenly, Feren shouted out loud  .
Feren : Oh no…where is the necklace.
Mona:What happen Feren?Is there any problem?
Feren:Mon..your necklace is lost.Whereas,I put your necklace here.
Mona:Feren!!!!my necklace is my mom’s giving(push Feren)how can you omit my necklace?
Feren:Don’t be rude please!i am  inadvertent to omit your necklace.
Mona:Argh….don’t be lie.i know if you has intention to omit my necklace.
Feren:Keep your talk!I don’t have intention to omit it.Okay,I can replace it with money.
Mona:I know you’re so rich,you’re so beautiful,and you’re so famous.But,I don’t need your money.I need my necklace.My necklace is important for me.
Putri:Stop..stop…I am tired to hear and see your quarrel.We are best friend.But,why do we often get a quarrel???(Putri leave them)
Mona leave them too
Olivia:Putri,Mona..where are you???
Putri:I’d better get out from here.
Feren:Liv,,I hope you can belive me.I don’t omit the necklace.
Olivia:I can belive you Fer.Mona is envy with you,that’s way she is very angry when you omit it.And she doesn’t like you because you’re so arrogant.
Feren:Oh my God.Yes,I am so arrogant.But,I don’t know if she is envy with me.
Olivia:Feren…I think you must talk to her about it.Because,I am afraid if our friendship is end.
Feren:It’s okay…thank you Oliv.I will talk to Mona.
Feren went to Mona.
Feren:Mona…..i am sorry for all my mistakes.Iam sorry if iam so arrogant.
Mona:It’s okay,I will forgive you ,but don’t repeat your mistakes.
Olivia:yeay.. I am so happy,but how about Putri’s cancer?
Feren:What???Putri has cancer???Is that true Put??
Feren:Answer my question Put!!
Putri:Yes. I have cancer.And my cancer is last stage.Nothing choice to life.i will die,guys.
Feren:No….i will help you to pay the cancer operation.
Olivia:I agree with you fer.Put,,accept  Feren’s help please.Iam still love you.i don’t want to lose you.
Putri:It’s okay.I will join to cancer operation.Thank you so much fer.And I love you guys.
Mona:Yeay…I love you too Put…
Finally,they were so compact.And Putri’s operation was  done.Putri was recovering from her disease.
Moral values:we should help our friends who have problems,we shouldn’t be arrogant,we should apologize soon if we make a mistake.
Mona:baik,sederhana,feminine,suka membantu
Olivia:kutu buku,pintar,baik